Demisexuality and Grey-Asexuality
Demisexuality and grey-asexuality share the same flag as asexuality.
Demisexuality is very closely related to asexuality, but not the same thing. When a person is demisexual, they only begin to feel sexual attraction after a strong emotional bond has been formed with a partner. Sometimes this emotional bond comes in the from of a romantic relationship, but that isn't always the case. Demisexuality is often thought of when someone mentions grey-asexuality.
Grey-asexuality is when someone's sexuality is very similar to asexual and/or demisexual, but not exactly one of those two. The term "grey-asexuality" is typically used as a catch-all for people who identify closely to, but not quit as, demisexuality and/or asexuality.
Grey-asexuality is when someone's sexuality is very similar to asexual and/or demisexual, but not exactly one of those two. The term "grey-asexuality" is typically used as a catch-all for people who identify closely to, but not quit as, demisexuality and/or asexuality.